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Jan Matthias Klein Red Panda 2023 750ml

Jan Matthias Klein

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Jan Matthias Klein
Red Blend
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Staffelter Hof first appears in texts from in 862 AD. At almost 1,200 years old, it is one of the oldest companies of any kind in the world. The vineyard holdings span 11.5ha (10.2ha planted) of diverse vineyards such as Paradies, Kirchlay, Letterlay, Steffensberg, and as far south as the Dhroner Hofberg. The winery itself is located in Kröv, a village in the heart of the middle Mosel on a sweeping 180⁰ curve of the river. Winemaker Jan Matthias Klein makes two lines of wines here: the classic, old school Mosel pradikat wines and (closer to his heart and ours), a line of avant-garde, naturally made, unsulfured wines with wildly creative art labels, mostly featuring "Magnus" the wolf. (Legend has it that centuries ago, a donkey was the laborer of the steep slopes in Kröv until a wolf killed it. The monks who ran the winery then caught the wolf and made it do the vineyard work after it killed the donkey. Wolf “Magnus” is still the mascot of the winery today, hence the labels and names).
Red Panda is our latest addition from Jan, a fun, chillable red made from 100% Regent, a dark-skinned hybrid grape variety (Chambourcin x Diana). Not exactly a pet-nat, it nonetheless sports a light CO2 fizz and low alcohol at around 10% ABV. Crown cap, no sulfur.